From my perspectives of view, curriculum is contemporary. The definition of curriculum according to dictionary is the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. It is synonyms with syllabus, course of study/studies, programme of study/studies, educational programme, subjects, modules, timetable and schedules. While the definition of contemporary is belonging to or occuring in the present which is synonyms with modern, current, and present day. In this globalization era, the usage of computer-based elements in class are parallel to the development of current technology. I believe that curriculum is something which is modern and it changes according to the time. Or easy to say, it is contemporary right? For example, if we flashback in 15 years ago, the lesson in class is just chalk and talk. The lessons session become dull and boring. Student tend to become sleepy in the class and sometimes they are not paying attention to the teacher at all . Poor teacher. :...